Little Bang Theory

Your evening merits being suspended in the tale that is the Little Bang Theory performance (as I was, last night at Theatre Aujourd’hui).

You, whoever you are reading this, if you’re in Montreal you still have a chance to see it.

Little Bang Theory‘s current project consists of a sensually magnetic two-person dance (choreographed by Hanako Hoshimi-Caines with Louise-Michel Jackson); infused with a starry instrumental spectacle and Lhasa de Sela‘s vocal soul; projected into March Hutchinson‘s animated vestige of an antique childhood’s wonder as it unthreads in James Irwin’s myth, which sucks its audience outside of time.

And with that breathless mouthful, I mean to say that all of these elements wove together so wonderfully that I left the theatre with some friends, still absorbed with the creativity of the performance. I notice they’re performing again on Sunday, 14th of June at Sala Rossa. Go.