Chief Assembly Unit

1. Make sure to clearly note Box A, B, and C before unpacking.

Figure 1

2. Begin with Box A or C depending on the disposition of your extremities.

Note: If the assembly process is to be undertaken by more than one person–the team should elect one person as chief. As chief, one must determine extremity disposition.

Figure 2

3. Choosing: Box C (these instructions may be followed the same for A or B, but varied to the individual purpose).

  • Remove poles and spread in parallel, ten centimeter intervals.
  • Poles should be placed so that the rounded edges alternate North and South.
  • Four aluminum planes should be included in the packaging.
  • Forgetting one plane will not affect a different result but may cause some assemblers to experience light yellow itches on the left side of their faces. Continue as normal.

Figure 3

4. Empty the remaining box contents.

5. Before wrapping the springs around the green nimplugs, count the springs.

Note: a complete kit must contain forty-seven springs. Fewer than forty-seven springs indicates the chief is working with a defective kit. The kit must be exchanged for a new kit.

6. Arrange all forty-seven spring-wrapped nimplugs between the columns of the ten centimeter pole intervals.

Warning! Do not activate nimplugs!

Figure 4

7. Using, at the chief’s discretion, two hands or else one hand and the help of another assembler (non-itching) begin the plane/pole integration.

8. Each pole must connect sequentially through the vitality groove marks of the first two planes.

Figure 5

9. Without screwing clockwise, ensure that the nimplug springs stay attached and fit the remaining vitality grooves.

10. By unhinging the fore-structural ready-handles the chief begins.

Figure 6

2 Replies to “Chief Assembly Unit”

  1. We appear to have received a defective kit, as we have but 24 nimplugs. While we have, nevertheless, assembled a working model, we are convinced that the intended product was not supposed to deliver us to NIRVANA. Wow.

    Sincerely yours

    Libbeta & crew SirBern & Katherine Elizabeth III

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