Aesthetic Transformation

“Ugly! Eyesore! How could people think it was a good idea?” A giant slab of concrete in the middle of the outer edge of the park. For shame, city! This was no sculpture, I thought. Monument between Parc La Fontaine and Sherbrooke Why preserve and move the edge of a utilitarian-designed building to the park? If the rest of the building had been demolished, why save this? What a hoax this artist made. Eve ... continue reading

Five Propositions about Death

1. Caught in a substance imperceptible to humans, like a spider-spun web (as their web substance certainly must be to insects). We go about our lives. One day Bill walks into the substance (the web) scarcely perceiving it. Months pass and he notices his struggle with increased workplace stress. It’s uncanny his desire for fried fat-laden food, ever greasier. Some people remark on his disinterest in physical f ... continue reading


I am not an expert at the following ten items. I am unlikely to become an expert at these because I bear no desire for expertise at these, much less much else. Slavery without adhesive Collecting litres of mud Pirate ideas Prognosticating the colours of life or the wailing songs thereof Forgetting all the unwanted premonitions Ice impermeable to slippery children Commissioned murders Round quarters Neutral drugs t ... continue reading

Some History from the Back Pocket

I keep a small, spiral-bound notepad in my left back pocket. No, I’ve kept many. I’ve done this for years. Looking back, I’m not always sure what I’ve written or why, but I save them. A collection of a few of the pages: 23 July 1998 – First words with the Fisher Space Pen. Do we need a new scientific method? This Saturday, Mary’s Birthday. 25 July 1998 – Find out the pronu ... continue reading

Observation Linkages 1

My wife is a professional at human emotions. Humans believe that which other humans tell them. James quoted Smith, saying a door in the hall lost its hinge pin. Smith agreed with himself while historically throwing a hinge to roving garbage collectors. If streets roam, their participants stray. 1906 infamously smoulders on the pages of records of hooligans and other street scoundrels. Because Earth requires the bl ... continue reading